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Kulintang, 4 world Noble Records of Indonesia

           Kolintang , music instrument originated from Minahasa, a place in North Sulawesi, an island in the east part of Indonesia. It is made from light but solid local wood such as TELUR, BANDARAN, WENANG, KAKINIK whose fibre construction appears in parallel lines. It can produce a long sound which can reach high pitch note as well as low pitch note when struck.

              The name Kolintang came from the sound: TONG (low pitch note), TING (high pitch note) and TANG (moderate pitch note). In the local language, the invitation “Let us do some TONG TING TANG” is: “Mangemo kumolintang”. That settled the name of the instrument: KOLINTANG.
               In its early days, Kolintang originally consisted of only a series of wooden bars placed side by side in a row on the legs of the players who would sit on the floor with both of their legs stretched out in front of them. Later on, the function of the legs was replaced either by two poles of banana trunk or by a rope which hung them up to a wooden plank. Story says that resonance box was beginning to be attached to this instrument after DIPONEGORO, a prince from Java who was exiled to Minahasa, brought along Javanese instrument GAMELAN with its resonance box, GAMBANG.

            Kolintang had a close relationship with the
traditional belief of Minahasa natives. It was usually played in ancestor worshipping rituals. That might explain the reason Kolintang was nearly totally left behind when Christianity came to Minahasa. It was so rarely played that it was nearly extinct for about a 100 year since then. It only reappeared after the World War II, pioneered by a blind musician NELWAN KATUUK, who reconstructed it accordingly to universal musical scales. Initially, there was only one kind of Kolintang instrument which was a 2 octave diatonical melody instrument. It was usually played with other string instruments such as guitar, ukulele or string bass as accompaniment.
           The only heard of Kolintang music when it was broadcasted by Indonesian Broadcasting Radio (RRI) in Menado in 1952. At that time, communication was not as advanced as today. Nelwan Katuuk was from North Minahasa while the other from Ratahan, South Minahasa.
The production of Kolintang outside its native land of Minahasa in 1964 in Yogyakarta, Central Java, At the same time is the began introducing the instrument around Central Java, the musical group toured the area which later extended to cities in East and West Java. At that time Kolintang was still a single melody instrument accompanied by guitar, ukulele or string bass.
The next development was the idea of replacing string instruments with kolintang accompaniment. The began exploring idea in 1966 and it was not until 1969 the managing to make our first Kolintang ‘Orchestra’ performance at Satya Wacana Christian University in Yogyakarta. Our band consisted of a set of 5 Kolintang, each with different function, namely Melody, Alto, Tenor, Cello and Bass.

At first kolintang consists of only one tone diatonic melody arrangement, with two octave range voice, and as an accompanist used string instruments such as guitar, ukulele and stringbass. After World War II, then kolintang began evolving toward universal musical instruments, spearheaded by Nelwan Katuuk. In 1954 kolintang already made ​​2 ½ octaves (still diatonic). In 1960 already reached 3 ½ octave tone 1 crotch, naturel, and 1 mol. Basic tones are limited to three keys (Naturel, 1 mol, and 1 crotch) with a distance of 4 ½ octaves tone of F s / d C. And the development of music persists kolintang good quality equipment, expansion of range tone, shape resonator box (to improve the sound), as well as appearance. Currently Kolintang made ​​already reached 6 (six) with chromatisch full octave.

Naming musical instruments kolintang actually no standard, but for the purposes of this paper, we use the concept of tool division by Peter KASEKE (based on the characteristics of the sound and tonal ranges) are:

- Melody as a determinant of the song. Also called Ina taweng.

- Alto as an accompanist (accompanion) high pitched. Commonly called Uner or Katelu (alto 3).

- Tenor as accompanist (accompanion) pitched low. Commonly called Karua.

- Cello as a determinant accompanion combined with rhythm and bass. Commonly called the sella.

- Bass as a producer of low-pitched tones. Commonly called Loway.

Hey guys, there's  amazing news about this music instrument. Do you know what is it?
  1. Kolintang music game with the most participants, 1,223 people (the participants played a song Aki Tembo-temboan and Minahasa Kina Toanku)
  2. Bamboo music game with the most participants 3011 people (this time, the participants play the song Happy Raw Dapa and dear-dear Silili her mother).
  3. The biggest kolintang instrument in the world (2.5 meters wide 2 meters tall, weighs 3 tons).
  4. The biggest bamboo musical instrument trumpet in the world (32 meters long, 8 meters high, 5.20 meters in diameter, and circumference of a circle 6.80 meters).

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